Rave Collaborate
Incident Management tool within Alert platform
Help by Topic
Configure an Event
Create an Event
An event contains everything your organization needs to effec...
Add Event Rules
A rule tells Rave Collaborate to take an automatic action rel...
Add Tasks to a Task Group
Events alert responders to required tasks and display task gr...
Add a Document to an Event
Events display a list of documents for collaborators to acces...
View Saved Events
Saved events display in the Event Templates tab. You can edit...
Respond to an Event on the Dashboard
Activate an Event
Sometimes Rave Collaborate automatically activates an event b...
View Active Events
Rave Collaborate displays active events on the event dashboar...
Claim Required Tasks on the Web Portal
Rave Collaborate automatically notifies you when an event act...
View Additional Info on a Task
Rave Collaborate Tasks can include descriptions or attached d...
Track Task Progress
You can track task status in the Task Groups section of an ev...
Track Task Response Step
Rave Collaborate marks tasks so you can quickly determine wha...
Use the Event Map
View the Event Map
Rave Collaborate includes an interactive map as part of each ...
Label an Annotation
Each shape can have one label, which will display above the s...
Draw Annotations On the Map
You can add labeled lines, circles, and polygons to the Rave ...
Delete an Annotation
If you need to remove an annotation: Right click on the an...
Change System Settings
Change the Default Map Location for the Map
Rave Collaborate incidents include an annotate-able map on al...
Configure Admin Permissions
Create a Rave Collaborate Admin Role
Creating an administrator role allows you to assign the same ...
Assign a Role to An Admin
Once you have a Rave Collaborate enabled role, you need to gi...
Enable an Assignee List for Task Assignment
When assigning a task, whether during event designing or on t...