A rule tells Rave Collaborate to take an automatic action related to this event. You can set the event to automatically activate in specific circumstances or trigger automatic mass notifications in response to the event activating.
Important - Put Everything You Need in One Event - You Cannot Link Events Together
Rave Collaborate lets you put unlimited rules, task groups, tasks, and resources in each event, allowing you to fully input everything your response needs into one event entity.
To add an event rule:
Select the Add a Rule button in the Event Rules section.
The Add a Rule popup opens.
Choose an option from the Rule dropdown menu. This menu contains the kinds of rules Rave Collaborate Supports.
Tip - You Can Connect These Two Rule Types Together
You can create multiple rules per event, allowing you to connect these two rule types together. For example, you can activate an event automatically when someone sends a weather notification, and then have Rave Collaborate automatically launch alerts to internal stakeholders and weather response teams.
Activate this scenario if this template is sent…
This type of rule automatically activates the event in response to someone sending a specific alert template in your Rave Alert system. The alert author does not need to activate the alert.
Tip - Use This Rule Type to Connect Rave Collaborate to Rave Panic Button
Set up Rave Panic Button to send a CAP message to Rave Alert, then trigger Rave Collaborate based on the alert template sent in response to the Rave Panic Button activation.
Any time this scenario is activated, send this alert template…
This rule type automatically launches a mass notification when the event activates.
Choose your desired alert template from the Template field.
Select the Save Rule button.