Creating an administrator role allows you to assign the same level of access to multiple admins quickly.
Assign access to multiple admins:
Make sure they have an administrator account.
Log into Rave Collaborate.
Open the System section, People subsection, Manage Role Permissions page.
Note - You Might See Different Options Depending on Your Settings
Select the Create Role button. You can assign one role to multiple people, cutting down on configuration time.
The Create Role page opens.
Enter a Role Name. This name helps you recognize the role when assigning it to admins.
Select the Done button
Enable the Rave Collaborate tab in the role editor pane.
This allows admins with this role to access the Rave Collaborate Dashboard, view and update tasks, and access resources when an event is active.
Optional – Enable additional activity permissions for Rave Collaborate.
Admins who can access Rave Collaborate by default cannot define, activate, or end events.
Use the checkboxes in the Collaborate Permissions section to assign these permissions.
The Activate Events Permitted permission allows admins in this role to activate existing event definitions. They will see the Activate event button at the top of the Dashboard.
The End Events Permitted permission allows admins in this role to activate existing event definitions. They will see the End This Event button at the top of an active event.
The Event Designer Permitted permission allows admins in this role to access the Event Designer and set up event templates for other admins to activate and respond to. They will see the Event Templates page in Rave Collaborate and be able to access, design, and manage Event templates.
Optional Limit the role to specific event templates.
Different members of your team respond to different incidents. Rave Collaborate lets you limit which responses and which event templates certain admins can interact with, so only the right people can view the right incidents.
When you limit an admin role to specific event templates, they will only be able to view responses activated through those events. If the role has access to the event templates page, they will only see their assigned event templates in this page and will only be able to open or edit those templates.
Admins Automatically Have Access to Event Templates They Create
If an admin has the permission enabled that allows them to create event templates, any new template they create will automatically add to their assigned templates. This allows them to view, edit, and assign the new template after they create it.
To limit which templates an admin role can use:
Optional - Set the default page to the Rave Collaborate dashboard. Do this if you want admins to see Rave Collaborate first when the log in.
Click the Role Details button at the top of the page.
Select the Rave Collaborate option in the Default Landing Page window.
Select the Ok button.
Scroll down to the bottom of the Create Role page.
Select the Save button. Your admin role is now ready to assign to individuals.
For more information on configuring other functions in admin roles alongside Rave Collaborate access, see our Role-Based Access Control User Guide