Rave Alert
Help by Topic
Getting Started with Rave Alert
How to log in to Rave Platform or reset your password
To log in to Rave Platform, you must go to the login portal sp...
User FAQ
Why is my carrier not listed?
Q: Why is my carrier not listed when trying to register my mob...
Why did I not receive a confirmation code during registration?
Q: Why did I not receive a confirmation code during registrati...
Why am I unable to log into Rave Alert?
Q: Why am I unable to log into Rave Alert? A: If you are havin...
CAP Outbound URL showing 404 not found error/blank
CAP Outbound Content URL Error If you are receiving a erro...
Rave Alert Documentation Library
How to create your own KML file using Google Earth Pro
INTRODUCTION This article (and attached PDF) will help to expl...